Saturday, September 15, 2012

Title and Author
: How I Made My First Million on the Internet 
by Ewen Chia

Synopsis of Content:

Chia maps out for the reader the basic steps required to set up an internet based affiliate business. While useful to the experienced internet marketer it is meant for the novice. A basic understanding of how computers work and how the internet works is necessary to understand the book. However the book does address the basics in marketing and affiliate marketing on the internet.
The author tells his own story to motivate the reader and make it clear that anyone can do this. He points out some of the errors he made which a reader can benefit from not repeating. He makes it clear that a great deal of work is involved and he spent over 8 hours a day for five years to reach great success and earn his first million dollars.
You will find here all the basics about affiliate marketing including identifying your niche, locating and qualifying products, building your list, marketing the products, generating traffic, creating front, middle and back ends to your sales funnel and duplicating the model.
This book is an excellent starting place for the affiliate marketer. It is not intended as a comprehensive manual. Every internet marketer must continue to learn more and more about the work to be successful. This is an excellent place to begin.
Readability/Writing Quality:
This book is well written. The text is broken into easily understandable blocks and well organized in outline style. He provides examples, illustrations, screen shots and valuable tips. This is easy to understand.
Notes on Author:
Ewen Chia is a very successful internet marketer who trains thousands from websites and speaking engagements. Beginning in 1997 he began his internet marketing career after having obtained his degree in management with honors from the Singapore Institute of Management. He began training others in 2007.
Three Great Ideas You Can Use:
1. You must have the right mindset to succeed in internet marketing. It requires a lot of self-education, commitment, consistent application of what is learned and hard work. The pay off can be substantial.
2. You must identify a market and then a niche within that market where there is a substantial demand for information or other products that can be satisfied with affiliate products. It is crucial to do the homework and make these choices carefully. Everything that follows requires the right market, the right niche and people willing and able to pay for the products.
3. To succeed you must treat this as a business and not a hobby. You must develop a clear and well thought out plan including what actions you will take each day to effectively drive traffic, build a list, and market your products. Once that system is set up and made as automated as possible it will pay off repeatedly with less work on your part.
Publication Information:
How I Made My First Million on the Internet by Ewen Chia
Copyright 2008 Ewen Chia
Published by Morgan James Publishing
Rating for this Book
Overall Rating for Book: Very Good
Writing Style: Very readable; well organized.
Usefulness: For anyone contemplating internet marketing this book is a must read. For those considering or doing affiliate marketing it will be very useful.
Difficulty: Moderate

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Making Money Online With Forums

Making Money Online With Forums

You can use forums to make money online from home since it is one of the best media to advertise or market your services and products. A forum is an online community where users share their views on various topics, asking and answering questions as well posting helpful articles.
Recommended websites:
1. Before you can take advantage of any forum, you have to first find out their terms of use to know if you can promote a link in your signature. There are forums that allow direct advertising of your services and products. If a forum allows links either that of your site or an affiliate link, then you have the chance to make money at home online.
2. Create an account at the forums of your choice. Carefully fill in your details. Write a user profile that matches your interest as you will want to specify in your signature.
3. If you are using a forum that disallows sales pitch, you can only use your signature to advertise what you want. In such a forum, you should start posting by responding to other people's threads.
4. Give your expertise. Do not try to promote anything in your posts, let your signature do that for you.
5. Endeavour to explain your points in simple sentences. Just try to make sense. Remember your aim is to position yourself as an expert in your niche, and that forum users are proactive information seekers. When your post makes sense, you are going to have more traffic to the site you are indirectly promoting.
6. Be real in your posting. Do not attack anyone. Apologize when you are wrong in a point of discussion. You are simply building credibility.
7. Submit blog posts or articles if there are platforms for that in the forum. The whole idea is to be a problem solver.
8. At Digital Point, you can market your products and services. You will find users who are looking for skillful users to whom they want to outsource jobs such as article writing, traffic generation, and even the sales of e-books are permitted in this forum. Make sure you follow the rules of the forum.
9. Furthermore, if you are really serious about making money onlinemaking money from home and you are ready for a bit of hard work, start your own discussion forum on a niche you understand very well. You will be able to make money from banner advertising and Google AdSense or any other pay-per-click advertising program.
10. You can mine forums for hot ideas which you can use to create a certain product or service which many users seem to be talking about and on which they are asking questions.

Making Money Online With Forums

Using forums gives more flexibility and profitability when it comes to making money at home online compared to marketing your skills at freelance sites.
Many similar offers make forum highly competitive. It may force you to offer some services for unreasonable fees.
In the use of forum to make money online at home, strictly adhere to rules lest you be blacklisted. Once you lose credibility, you will lose favor with co-users. Also, ensure that whatever offer you want to promote is scam-free.
Anna Tracy is a much sought after internet success coach. She has helped thousands of people worldwide achieve their dreams of earning multiple sources of income online. To find out how you too can achieve the same dream, please click here for a free copy of Anna's bestselling "Make Money Online"report. This report outlines the latest proven and practical ways that people are using to generate a sizable income online.

Article Source:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Effectiveness of Brochure Printing in Advertising

Effectiveness of Brochure Printing in Advertising

Companies nowadays have a lot of ways to reach out to their target market especially with the continuous advancement of technology. Among all these options, one way that has been proven effective and used for a long time is brochure printing. 

Before discussing this further, let us first define the word brochure. Brochures are also known as pamphlets or leaflets. It is a tool for advertisement where brief and important facts about the company’s products or services are written. These informative materials are then distributed by mail, displayed on rack stands, or handed out personally by representatives to potential product end-users or consumers. 

Brochure printing can be very effective because of the following reasons: Easy to read: In a fast-paced world that we are living in today, companies who need to advertise their product or service must relay their message in the easiest and simplest way possible, since some people no longer have the time to stop and divert their attention to things that they do not normally do, like, reading advertisements or write-ups that do not catch their attention. Especially if you are selling a new product, you need to at least have the opportunity to grab a little time of your prospects and gain their interest, the fastest way. Brochure printing can be a perfect way to attain this goal. Your reader can easily grasp the message that you want to convey, since the information written are kept short and simple. 

Portable guide: When you are advertising, the main purpose of doing so is to introduce your product and to make it known to as many people as possible. Since brochures are handy, you can easily distribute them to the people strolling in malls, or the professionals walking along the busy streets. If your product or service catches their interest, they can readily pass it on, or lend it to, someone whom they want to share the information with. Also, brochures do not only contain the direct information regarding your product or service, you can also include your company’s address, email address, and contact numbers. This can serve as an alternative for calling cards which a client can bring whenever they want to purchase your product or avail your services. 

Access to those who do not own a ready internet connection: Although, in today’s world, a lot of advertisements are posted on social networking sites or web pages, we need to consider that not everyone has the opportunity to readily access the internet in their homes. Especially if you are marketing products that can be used by people from all walks of life, i.e. personal necessities, you have a wider scope of buyers to cater. This is when hard copies or tangible materials like brochures step in. By giving out hard copies of advertisements, the company can also reach out not only to those who are computer-literate or internet savvy, but also to those computer-illiterate ones, or even 
those people who are temporarily or permanently internet-deprived.

Top 7 Ways to Make Money with Online Jobs

Top 7 Ways to Make Money with Online Jobs

We hear a lot about people making big money on internet. One may wonder how they 

make money on internet and how to start this. There are plenty of ways to make money online, but making money without any investment is really wonderful to know and follow. Here are few methods of making money online without any investment. 

Selling on E-bay 

Selling on e-bay is very simple and easy. You can open a free account and start selling right away. What to sell? You can sell anything on e-bay. Sell books, cloths, electronics, home appliances, jewels, computers, laptops, foods and even used products. If you visit their site once and see the big list of products you will be surprised. You can sell anything on e-bay without any investment. 

Affiliate marketing 

This is one good way of making money on internet. You do not need to have your own product or website. You can sell others product for a commission. You may get from 50% to 90% commission for what you sell. Making big money with this is very simple. All you have to do is to put little effort in posting free classified advertisements and sending emails. 


You can create your own blog and convert the traffic of your blog into money. There are many free blogging websites like Blogger, Squidoo and word-press. You can create your free web pages and publish it for free. You may choose any topic you want and create your own blog and promote it. Once the visitors are increased, you can join Google Adsense and make money with advertisements on your blog. 

Writing articles and contents 

Writing articles and web contents is another way to earn lucrative income. Many websites and companies are looking for quality content to promote their products and services. You will be paid nicely in return. If you can write nicely on any topic, you can expect to make big money doing this job. 

Customer care jobs 

Customer care is very important for any company. Providing care to increasing customers has always been a risky task for any company. Big companies outsource customer care agents to work from home and answer their customers through phone, chat or email. This is a nice job for people of any age group. You will be paid on hourly basis or minute basis for this work. Making $10 to $30 per hours is possible with these kinds of online customer care jobs. 

Data entry jobs 

Online data entry jobs are simple typing jobs which can be done from anywhere you want. Big companies have tons and tons of data to enter online into their websites. They are looking for online typists to work from their home and type for them. You require a minimum type speed or at least 60 words per minute. If you have this qualification you can apply for online data entry jobs. 

Paid online surveys 

Take online surveys and make extra money in your spare time. No age limit or experience is required for this job. Therefore anyone can join survey companies and get paid for their opinion. You can earn $5 to $50 per survey depending on the number of questions. These surveys are very simple and you have to answer mostly yes or no.